Another project involving young people is the objective of attracting more birds, bats and wild life to use our environment. 10 new bird boxes have been prepared in “flat pack” form and the pupils at Queensferry Primary School built the boxes with some adult supervision. This provide the pupils with some rudimentary craft skills and they will also learn about the various species of birds that are regular inhabitants of the Glen and also the migratory ones who “visit” the Glen at certain times of the year. As part of the project the plan is for the pupils to make a record of the bird box “take up “rates and noting which species have taken up residence .
Category: Wildlife
Wildlife in the area
Wild Flower Border
One of the aims of our group is to encourage young people to become actively involved in the projects we are running and so develop an interest in nature and the local environment. One current project is the development of a new wild flower border on the entrance to the Glen from Station Road. The new border has been prepared and the sowing of the wild flower seeds took place in May 2016 with help from the pupils of Queensferry Primary School. The pupils will continue to help manage the border until the wild flowers become established as they will face stiff competition from indigenous weeds. The pupils will also learn the benefits a wild flower border habitat offers to insects, and other forms of wildlife