
Until only 140 years ago this small five acre site, now known as the Ferry Glen, was open to cold north winds from the Forth estuary, but the arrival of the railway and the building of the embankment created a sheltered area resembling something like an amphitheatre.  The bowl of the newly created glen was known to locals as Jock’s Hole.  The whole area is criss-crossed by old sewer pipes.

By 2006 the area had fallen into neglect and walking through the glen became a hazardous exercise. Vandalism, fly tipping and litter had taken their toll.  However local people had begun to campaign for “something to be done” and in November 2003 the council acquired the land from Rosebery Estate for a consideration of £1000.

During the course of 2006, £135,000 was raised by way of grants from the Forestry Commission and the Council.  This allowed a degree of tree felling.  A stretch of tarmac pathway was built between Station Road through to Ashburnham, and whinstone was used elsewhere.     Two new bridges were constructed along with the building of a boardwalk, and a new flight of steps was inserted from the entrance to the Bowling Club down to the top of the waterfall below.     The refurbished glen was officially opened by Councillor Bob Cairns on 29 August.

Unfortunately the area suffered a degree of vandalism following the refurbishment when over a period of months both new bridges were fired.     The firing (torching) of the boardwalk one Saturday morning at 04.30 produced a spectacular fire and destroyed adjacent trees.   Thankfully the Fire Brigade was alerted promptly, otherwise the destruction of the area could have been much, much worse.   Thankfully too, the Council kept faith.  The bridge platforms were replaced with steel plates, and the boardwalk was rebuilt using gabion baskets making a permanent pathway.

New improved street lighting has been provided throughout the area, also under the ScotMid tunnel where improved drainage has been provided.

Adjacent the eastern edge of the bowling green and the south western edge of the glen lies the Station Road Park. This stands on the site of the former town reservoir.

Today, however, the Council’s greens people maintain and promote a beautiful area of all season interest with flowers, foliage and berries, and with seating for rest and recreation.     New street lighting has also been provided.

A greenflag award was made to Station Road park in 2010 and two years later the Ferryglen was also awarded greenflag status.


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